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4 Types of Boundaries in Sobriety

Updated: Feb 18

We all have personal boundaries, but setting or reinforcing them during your sober journey is especially important. Learning to set these boundaries is a process that isn’t always linear. The following four boundaries will help keep you feeling in total control of your recovery:

1– Ignore the naysayers

Others can get used to thinking we’re someone who is good at ignoring personal values to make them happy. Getting pushback from some people in your life is normal when you decide it is time to make a change. This is because it can make others uncomfortable when boundaries are set and we stand up for ourselves. It isn’t uncommon to experience peer pressure to continue on the path you were on prior to getting sober. Don’t allow others to tell you who and what you should be and be intentional about surrounding yourself with only the people who are supportive and respectful of your new boundaries and the limits you’ve chosen to set.

2– How you speak to yourself matters

Respect for yourself begins first and foremost with the words you use. Don’t get caught up in language that is meant to belittle or undermine you. Instead, make a point to speak to yourself the way you would speak with love and patience to a close friend. When you hold yourself and your recovery to the highest esteem, it positively impacts your self-talk and the way you allow others to speak to you. Maintaining sobriety becomes a bit easier to do with much more grace and kindness when we give it to ourselves.

3– Clean up your socials

Oftentimes there is a disconnect between our own personal values and the content we consume online daily. Getting intentional about guarding your energy and only consuming content that aligns with your deepest values and goals is a game changer in sobriety. You want to feel safe and comfortable enough to not worry about being triggered by what might pop up as you scroll through your social media feeds. A quick trick is to assess how you feel as you scroll through your feeds. Do you feel anxious, depressed, or any other heavy emotion when something or someone shows up? Curating your feeds with people who support you, your life, and the choices you make is a simple but effective boundary that can create a lasting impact.

4– Don’t expect others to be mind readers

Sharing openly and honestly about your needs, experiences and feelings will help you to receive respect and understanding from others throughout your journey. Advocate for yourself and then let others take responsibility for themselves and their own feelings. Clear communication will ensure any issues that may arise or any problems you may be struggling with will not be allowed to grow bigger and bigger. Getting comfortable on your sobriety journey will take time but being able to indicate to others every step of the way will allow you to achieve success and build healthy relationships to support your recovery.


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